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150 Years of St Luke’s School!
We celebrated our 150th anniversary with friends and guests from the community. Look at our pictures!

Can you guess which decade Year 2 dressed up as?

Palm Class dressed in their 1950s outfits

Leaving Christ Church

Going back in time!

Each year group made a banner to represent the decades

Safely led back to school!

Cherry Class getting ready for the procession

Looking good Aspen Class!

Procession with all classes

Making music along the way

Carrying St Luke to school

Bishop Adrian welcomes everyone

Children, staff and governors all contribute

A debut performance of the operetta, ‘St Luke’s Shipwreck’, written by Jonathan Pease

We were proud of our banners

Bishop Adrian welcoming everyone back to school

Father Tom sends us a film!

Mrs Abrahams introduces ‘St Luke’s Shipwreck’

Stunning songs sung by the choir

Cypress Class came dressed as Victorians.

The Mayor and Sue fill in the time capsule…

We’re all excited!

A funny script supported by fine musicians

Well done to all that took part!

Father Ed talks about what makes our school special

Year 5 dressed as nurses from the 1930s

Time to release the balloons! 3…..



What a great day!


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