Our Curriculum - Subject by Subject
At St. Luke's we aspire to provide children with a curriculum which is joined together well but also protects the academic rigour of each valuable subject.
An example of what this means is the following:
The whole school curriculum is held under: 'As people who are loved by God and know his truth, we promote the development of spirituality as expressions of love and truth'.
For the Spring term, the whole school curriculum is held under: 'Because we are loved and secure in the truth, it helps us to respond to change positively'.
For Year 5 in the Spring term, the key question that holds their learning for the term is: 'What causes people to look beyond themselves to create change for the greater good'.
Then for Year 5 in terms of their Spring term History curriculum they consider the following: 'The Victorian period was a period of significant and rapid change. Children explore the impact of the Industrial Revolution and how different people in society were affected'.
Please press here for the Unit Overview that details the components and end points we intend the children to learn within the context of our wider curriculum: Year 5 Spring term History Unit Overview
Other subjects are also linked to the whole school, and year group key questions, where links can be made meaningfully, such that they provide a context for the learning and also enable children to develop the bigger picture of their learning across all subjects as they move through the school.
This process as detailed here for Spring term in Year 5 is mirrored across all year groups in the school. The curriculum is skillfully and carefully crafted to maintain a high level of engagement from the children, to build their understanding and to keep the children challenged in their learning so that they continually progress with and deepen their learning over time.
If you would like more information about the school curriculum, please email the Executive Headteacher who will forward your query onto the appropriate member of staff: executivehead@stlukeslondon.org