Message from the Chair
Chair of Governors’ Message
On behalf of the governing body I would like to welcome you to our school, I hope that our website gives you a flavour of who we are. The Governing Body of St Luke’s Church of England Primary School is fully committed to ensuring that we provide the best possible education within our distinctive Christian ethos, for all children in our care.
The governing body is responsible for providing accountability and support to our senior leadership team, as well as being the strategic decision makers and vision setters as we pursue the best possible longterm future for the school. Our vision of ‘Hearts overflowing with truth and love’ encapsulates our high aspirations for each child, and we take very seriously our role as governors, both in examining carefully the academic data, and in ensuring that our school community fosters character-building and resilience, to ensure that our vision is also our children’s experience.
If you would like to contact the governing body at any time you can do so by emailing governors@stlukeslondon.org
This comes with my prayer and best wishes,
Rev Ed Dix