Community House

At St Luke’s we strive to build a strong supportive partnership with parents and carers as children achieve best when there is a strong relationship between school and home. One way we achieve this aim is through our community house.
We believe that by providing support, through parents/carers’ workshops, coffee mornings, parent/child outings and additional activities, ensures all families have the opportunity to be actively involved in school life and supporting their child’s academic, social and spiritual development.
Here are examples of the types of sessions we run:
Strengthening families, strengthening communities
Cook and Eat well
Kids that cook
Keep fit
Bike skills
Knitting and crocheting
Prayer group
We also have a coffee morning after morning drop off every Monday morning. This is a lovely way for new parents to meet existing parents in our school community. Through these coffee mornings, networks develop and parents support each other.
For more information regarding the support you can access through the Community House, please contact Christine Collins, our Community Liaison Leader, through the main office either by email: ccollins@stlukeslondon.org or by ringing 0207 987 1753